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Divine Providence is the sequel to The 13th Apostle. Buy here: (Paperback) (Kindle) Barnes & Noble (NOOK) Apple iBooks SYNOPSIS for Divine Providence: Mankind plunges further into spiritual death in Divine Providence. Father Joseph continues his lifelong quest to serve God’s Will, traveling the globe in search of his twins Roarke and Fallon. Falene, who designed a diabolical plan to see to it her children follow in her footsteps, fails to realize the power that lies within them, having been ensouled by God. Growing up, the twins are instinctively aware something divine lives within them, despite the challenges they face. From a cliffside home by the sea in Scotland to a vegetable farm in Jamestown, Rhode Island, the twins discover God through their connection to the earth and all living creatures, which competes with a war waging inside of them to see humanity’s inglorious end. It is in Rhode Island, the birthplace of religious tolerance and home of the Royal Colonial Charter of 1663 where it is learned the 13th Colony may have played a part in shifting the path of humanity. |