Reader Reviews
"Raina Smith has written a morality epic in modern guise depicting man's eternal struggle between good and evil--the angelic versus the demonic spirit. She does it by using imaginative and ingenious situations to move from the natural to the preternatural worlds--and she does it with style and grace. The book's dialogue is crisp, its pace fast, and its theme, though not original, is presented in a fascinating, inspirational, and creative form wherein its protagonists span the globe in an amazing race for the soul of mankind. This novel is an intriguing blend of skillfully woven history, geography, theology, legend and fantasy. Raina is indeed a wordsmith in every sense of that term."
(Dr.) Patrick T. Conley
"The 13th Apostle was recommended to me by friends. I absolutely LOVED the book. The characters are portrayed very realistically in their symbolic personifications of the struggle between good and evil. The portrayals of Father Joseph, symbolizing the good nature of man, and the conflicting personalities of Victor (as the newly "elected" Pope), Anatoli (his associate) and the sensuous, mysterious Falene, were so vivid and realistic that I finished the book feeling I was part of the story. So many shades between black and white are integrated, all the while being delivered as a religious detective story filled with characters who will remain with me. I felt so impacted by the scenes in the book that I felt I was personally involved in the dramatic sequence of events. Without giving away too much of the plot, the massacre of the Cardinals, as well as the police investigation, were critical to the story. The shifting of scenes followed the characters around the world, from the Vatican, to the jungle, to the United States, placing me in position to view the unknown as well as the familiar. I was sometimes reminded of The Omen, The Exorcist, or The DaVinci Code, and the writings of Anne Rice were summoned to my imagination as I read the inner workings of the characters' minds. The description of The Warrior Angel in the book was so real to me that I wanted to meet him. I wondered if he was inspired by a stained glass window, or a picture from a Catholic catechism brought to life in words. Reading the book, I felt, perhaps only intuitively or suggestively, that I had seen paintings of a Thirteenth Apostle in portrayals I'd seen of Christ with the Chosen Twelve. This could have been my imagination playing tricks on me just from reading this wonderful novel. Again, without giving away too much of the story, the description of a cancer transferring from a young victim to a man of the cloth was breathtaking as well as hair-raising. The ending of the narrative absolutely blew me away!! This is a fantastic read!!! Cannot wait for the sequel!!"
Ron Patras / Rhode Island
"I highly recommend reading The Thirteenth Apostle. I usually read murder mysteries, but I wanted to read something a little different this summer. Right from the first night that I began reading this book, I was hooked. The best books to me are the ones where you can see the places in your head and truly know the characters in the book. This is one of those books. Falene actually frightened me, while the waitress in the diner could have been any one of the moms I know struggling to keep it all together. These were just two of my favorite characters. The suspense to the story kept me turning the pages into the wee hours of the morning....just one more chapter! The ending was amazing and left me wanting more! I was sad to have the book end, but the good news is that the sequel, Divine Providence, is available now! I can't wait for it to arive this week. You won't be sorry reading The Thirteenth Apostle!"
Karyn Lowe / Rhode Island
“Your new book, The 13th Apostle, has caught our attention and we would like to extend our congratulations and best wishes for your continued success. You are a shining example of what a Rhode Island College education can amount to with hard work and perseverance. We at the James P. Adams Library are proud to highlight the successes of our alumni and are purchasing a copy of your book to add to our Alumni Publications collection. I would like to extend an invitation to feature you for a talk with book signing as part of our Spring Lecture Series.”
Hedi BenAicha, Dean of University Libraries, Lesley University
Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts
"High praise for The 13th Apostle! It grabbed me on page 1 (High in the Tibetan Mountains) and wouldn't let go until page 470. When you find that staying up late and waking up early becomes your norm, that's the mark of a great book. And book addiction at its finest. Raina, your book has tossed me into book hangover mode. Superior work!"
Keith Thompson
Taunton, Massachusetts
"Good v. Evil. It's been done before. Star Wars . . . Harry Potter . . . even the youngest of diehard Twihards know the truest heroes and evilest of villians in Twilight. But, I'm not sure it's ever been done with the depth and soul found in Raina Smith's, The 13th Apostle. The resolve of mankind, the rebirth or the damnation of the human soul . . . not the kind of stuff found in the likes of your average good v. evil novel. Love, honor, courage, faith - it's all here. If you want a uniquely interesting story with the kind of twists and turns that incessantly keep you guessing, and an ending that you will never see coming, look no further; you've found your book. It will become one of the most powerful you've ever read. May you have purity of heart and a Warrior Angel always at your back . . ."
Pam Pagel, Florida
"The 13th Apostle is a great read and I highly recommend it. Ms. Smith has a unique style of storytelling that is laden with detail. Her characters are 3-D and you will either love them or love to hate them. The material, ranging from the scandalous and diabolical misdeeds of her villains to the heart-warming compassion of her heroes, flows smoothly from one scene to the next carrying the reader powerfully along. Smith has crafted a sensational story that you will read wide-eyed and audibly gasping right up to its shocking ending. Clearly, her background in journalism has served her well here. This book is difficult to put down. You will find yourself poring through it just to find out what happens next. Suffering bent covers from being shoved in my bag, or warped pages from reading in the bathtub, my poor book is showing the scars of being dragged everywhere with me…the story is that good and would make a great movie! I look forward to a sequel. Story aside, Ms. Smith has an energy all her own. If you get the chance to attend one of her talks or meet her in person, do so. She is poised, articulate, and funny exuding a true passion for her work that captivates her audience."
Ellen Morais, Rhode Island
“The Providence Public Library has hosted many authors over the past few years and I can only think of a few whose audiences matched or exceeded the crowd that you were able to bring to the library on Sunday. It was a pleasure working with you - good luck with your book!”
Louise Moulton, Adult Program Coordinator
Providence Public Library
"I never thought that when I started reading The 13th Apostle, I'd be taken on such a magnificent ride! In a Dan Brown-esque story of religion and intrigue, Raina paints an incredible "What if?" scenario. I cannot wait for the sequel!! I highly recommend this book - the twists and turns will keep you engaged - it's a true page turner."
Cheryl M. / Atlanta, Georgia
"WOW, definitely TWO THUMBS UP!!! A well written novel, pleasing to the eyes and easy to read. This is a must read with surprising twists and turns to it. It is haunting and touches the true nature of humanity, and the characters are well played out. Would love to see this novel made into a movie!!"
Cheri Suntree / San Diego, California
“Smith’s book delves into the true nature of the human spirit and makes you ask where you yourself fall on that fine line of good and evil. With its captivating characters and riveting storyline she had me intrigued and guessing from start to finish. A book I kept wishing didn’t have to end.”
Kevin A. Moore / Seattle, Washington
“Raina Smith masterfully tells an engaging tale of Good vs. Evil with numerous twists and surprises that left me wanting more. Once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. It left me speechless when I was done. Usually, something with this much religious content scares me, but Smith made it interesting and suspenseful. I tend to visualize what I read and Smith’s unique writing style made it easy. I basically saw the movie unfold before my eyes as I read along. And I loved the amazingly evil ending too! A must read. I am looking forward to her next installment!”
Rob Sgambellone / Coconut Creek, Florida
"You need to read The 13th Apostle by, Raina C. Smith. This amazing book reminded me of reading the DaVinci Code with the religious themes and action-packed storyline. The characters in this book were very dynamic and interesting. You actually cared what happened to them and began to think about these characters as real people. There were so many twists and turns throughout this novel. The ending is absolutely unbelievable! A must read! I would love to see this book made into a movie! I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fast-paced and exciting reads. Smith is also working on the sequel and final installment of this trilogy series! I can't wait!"
Kristin Fenix Wheeler / Mama Luvs Books (Blogger)
“The 13th Apostle, is an incredibly intense and fast-paced work that kept me flipping from one chapter to the next. It is flawlessly written with a great plot and lots of action and intrigue, but it’s the wonderful characters, sharp, realistic dialogue, and occasional comic episodes, that make reading it such a completely enjoyable experience. Do not start this novel on a night that you must turn in early, because you will not be able to put it down. Raina Smith has woven a tale that held my attention from start to brilliant finish. I can only hope that there will be more to come from her. She is a master storyteller. Bravo!”
Ken Iavarone / Lincoln, RI
"The book had a blockbuster ending! As an avid reader, former English Major, and Attorney, I recognize fine high quality writing when I see it. The 13th Apostle was extremely thought provoking, profoundly soul piercing, creatively unique, and intellectually stimulating with very sophisticated elements of style! I am anxiously awaiting a sequel and maybe a screen play."
David C. Moretti / Naples, Florida
"The 13th Apostle by Raina C. Smith is a brilliantly conceived novel. Smith reveals the characters in such a way as to keep you riveted to your seat. This is a fast paced story based on the struggle of good verses evil and the corruption and secrecy that lies in the very walls of the Vatican. A chosen one has to fight for the soul of all mankind. An ancient scroll must be deciphered to help this quest. Raina C. Smith captures her readers to follow the clues and characters. Your heart will race with anticipation over who or what will win this epic battle and if humanity will survive. The ending is a spectacular literary act leaving the readers breathless and yearning for a sequel. Extremely well executed - a must read."
Kathryn Adams / Scituate, RI
“An amazing, thought provoking book written by this beautifully talented author. Fiction so close to the truth of what is going on in the world today it is scary! Her very descriptive details come alive on every page from Tibet to Rome to Providence R.I. making you feel as if you are right there traveling this journey in the battle between good and evil. So intense at times you have to put it down and just let it all sink in. Sure to be on the best seller list for years and provides the makings for an epic movie as well. A book you will read over and over again for sure. Don't miss this one. Can't wait for the sequel! A REAL CLIFF HANGER... Who will win the final battle ??? The evil, yet provocative Falene OR the good yet humbled Father Joe?? God vs. the Devil. Will the human race survive?? Read it and you decide.”
Gail Simon / Providence, RI
"The 13th Apostle by Author, Raina Smith, is a great read. Ms Smith has a wonderful style for storytelling and detail, which helps you understand the characters in the book, as well as transforms the reader to the places and events in the story. You either love or hate the characters involved, each chapter leaving the reader wanting more. This story, ranges from heart-warming to wicked, which makes the reader think about good and evil and the world around us, and the choices we make. I look forward to the sequel, and can clearly see this book becoming a great movie. Her energy and passion of writing clearly shows in this writing work of art."
Maria Piccirillo / Rhode Island
"My favorite read is always Good vs. Evil, and The 13th Apostle fulfilled all my requirements. Falene is charismatic and determined in her mission for the dark side. While Father Joseph shows us how to overcome adversity and what can be accomplished through the power of faith. The ending was a great surprise and I'm eager for the sequel. I am also a tried and true Rhode Islander and Raina is from RI and she set some of the story here in this wonderful little state."
J. Vaudreuil / Rhode Island
"I enjoyed the book very much. I was hesitant at first because I didn't know what to expect, but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down. As I was reading, I was anxious because I wanted to know what happened next. I thoroughly enjoyed all the scenes that took place in Rhode Island as well as in Rome and other places throughout the world. I plan to read it again very soon and I can't wait for the next book!"
Catherine Kitty (Santo) Petrarca / Cranston, RI
“Woke up early on a Sunday morning because I HAD to finish reading The 13th Apostle. When is the sequel coming out because I wanted to keep reading?! Especially after that cliffhanger! Congratulations to you Raina on this wonderful piece of work. You should be very proud of yourself. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, you had me guessing on every page and I couldn't put the book down.”
Lisa / Swansea, Massachusetts
“Raina Smith is a terrific writer and this book will keep you guessing what will happen next. A well researched page turner whose characters will reach out and bring you into their lives to share their adventures. A must read for anyone who enjoys mystery, intrigue and just good old fashioned story telling.”
Glenn Laxton / Author and TV Reporter
“I enjoyed reading The 13th Apostle by Raina Smith, even though it is not the type of book I usually read. The writing is intense, the events exceedingly dramatic, and the theme that innocence is no protection against satanic evil is one that many readers of this type of thriller will recognize. This novel should make an exciting movie one day!"
Debbie Barchi / Director, Barrington Public Library (Rhode Island)
“I was very impressed with author, Raina C. Smith’s literary skills. The characters became very real to me and as the story unfolded, it became obvious that much of the plot required extensive research. The author delves into the behavior of each character to a point where I felt I knew them well and found myself trying to predict their next move. It certainly is a page-turner (a click of a button on my kindle) and it was difficult to pull myself away. Who will win the battle between good and evil? That is basically the theme of this book with much intrigue, mystery, love, hate and more included. I was anxious to get to the ending which was very intense and it lead me to believe there must be another book to follow. Kudos to Ms. Smith. The book is a winner!”
Angie Petrarca / Warwick, RI
“This book takes on the age old struggle between good and evil and kicks it up ten notches. Imaginative, creative, sensitive and thrilling all wrapped up into one awesome book! Just when you think you have it all figured don't!!! BUY IT, READ IT, ENJOY will leave you wanting MORE!”
Lynn Virgilio-Caron / Rhode Island
“Raina Smith did an outstanding job writing this novel. All the characters were intriguing. It kept me interested and constantly guessing what would occur next. I am anxiously awaiting a sequel to The 13th Apostle.”
Lori Claudino / Seekonk, Massachusetts
"Raina Smith has written an incredibly intense book. It kept my interest throughout the entire book with all the different characters, twists and turns. It was difficult to put the book down. I am defintely looking forward to her next book, which I am sure will be equally as thrilling."
Maureen Hennessey / Massachusetts
"I am an avid book reader, and this book is a MUST READ! The plots are great! I love the mystery and suspense and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I found myself staying up later and later to finish the book, to find out what was going to happen next! I can't wait for the sequel. Great reading, suspense, thrills, and mystery is all in this book. Can't wait for the sequel and third book! I am also from RI as is the writer, and I think this is a wonderful book. I hope to run into Raina. RI is such a small state that I hope I will run into her somewhere! Autograph!"
Cheryl Adams / Rhode Island
“Raina Smith is an original storyteller who is blessed with a talent for characterization. This novel clearly defines humans as being both good and evil. Hopefully the sequel will not be far behind!”
Stephanie Colasanto / Cranston, RI
(Dr.) Patrick T. Conley
"The 13th Apostle was recommended to me by friends. I absolutely LOVED the book. The characters are portrayed very realistically in their symbolic personifications of the struggle between good and evil. The portrayals of Father Joseph, symbolizing the good nature of man, and the conflicting personalities of Victor (as the newly "elected" Pope), Anatoli (his associate) and the sensuous, mysterious Falene, were so vivid and realistic that I finished the book feeling I was part of the story. So many shades between black and white are integrated, all the while being delivered as a religious detective story filled with characters who will remain with me. I felt so impacted by the scenes in the book that I felt I was personally involved in the dramatic sequence of events. Without giving away too much of the plot, the massacre of the Cardinals, as well as the police investigation, were critical to the story. The shifting of scenes followed the characters around the world, from the Vatican, to the jungle, to the United States, placing me in position to view the unknown as well as the familiar. I was sometimes reminded of The Omen, The Exorcist, or The DaVinci Code, and the writings of Anne Rice were summoned to my imagination as I read the inner workings of the characters' minds. The description of The Warrior Angel in the book was so real to me that I wanted to meet him. I wondered if he was inspired by a stained glass window, or a picture from a Catholic catechism brought to life in words. Reading the book, I felt, perhaps only intuitively or suggestively, that I had seen paintings of a Thirteenth Apostle in portrayals I'd seen of Christ with the Chosen Twelve. This could have been my imagination playing tricks on me just from reading this wonderful novel. Again, without giving away too much of the story, the description of a cancer transferring from a young victim to a man of the cloth was breathtaking as well as hair-raising. The ending of the narrative absolutely blew me away!! This is a fantastic read!!! Cannot wait for the sequel!!"
Ron Patras / Rhode Island
"I highly recommend reading The Thirteenth Apostle. I usually read murder mysteries, but I wanted to read something a little different this summer. Right from the first night that I began reading this book, I was hooked. The best books to me are the ones where you can see the places in your head and truly know the characters in the book. This is one of those books. Falene actually frightened me, while the waitress in the diner could have been any one of the moms I know struggling to keep it all together. These were just two of my favorite characters. The suspense to the story kept me turning the pages into the wee hours of the morning....just one more chapter! The ending was amazing and left me wanting more! I was sad to have the book end, but the good news is that the sequel, Divine Providence, is available now! I can't wait for it to arive this week. You won't be sorry reading The Thirteenth Apostle!"
Karyn Lowe / Rhode Island
“Your new book, The 13th Apostle, has caught our attention and we would like to extend our congratulations and best wishes for your continued success. You are a shining example of what a Rhode Island College education can amount to with hard work and perseverance. We at the James P. Adams Library are proud to highlight the successes of our alumni and are purchasing a copy of your book to add to our Alumni Publications collection. I would like to extend an invitation to feature you for a talk with book signing as part of our Spring Lecture Series.”
Hedi BenAicha, Dean of University Libraries, Lesley University
Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts
"High praise for The 13th Apostle! It grabbed me on page 1 (High in the Tibetan Mountains) and wouldn't let go until page 470. When you find that staying up late and waking up early becomes your norm, that's the mark of a great book. And book addiction at its finest. Raina, your book has tossed me into book hangover mode. Superior work!"
Keith Thompson
Taunton, Massachusetts
"Good v. Evil. It's been done before. Star Wars . . . Harry Potter . . . even the youngest of diehard Twihards know the truest heroes and evilest of villians in Twilight. But, I'm not sure it's ever been done with the depth and soul found in Raina Smith's, The 13th Apostle. The resolve of mankind, the rebirth or the damnation of the human soul . . . not the kind of stuff found in the likes of your average good v. evil novel. Love, honor, courage, faith - it's all here. If you want a uniquely interesting story with the kind of twists and turns that incessantly keep you guessing, and an ending that you will never see coming, look no further; you've found your book. It will become one of the most powerful you've ever read. May you have purity of heart and a Warrior Angel always at your back . . ."
Pam Pagel, Florida
"The 13th Apostle is a great read and I highly recommend it. Ms. Smith has a unique style of storytelling that is laden with detail. Her characters are 3-D and you will either love them or love to hate them. The material, ranging from the scandalous and diabolical misdeeds of her villains to the heart-warming compassion of her heroes, flows smoothly from one scene to the next carrying the reader powerfully along. Smith has crafted a sensational story that you will read wide-eyed and audibly gasping right up to its shocking ending. Clearly, her background in journalism has served her well here. This book is difficult to put down. You will find yourself poring through it just to find out what happens next. Suffering bent covers from being shoved in my bag, or warped pages from reading in the bathtub, my poor book is showing the scars of being dragged everywhere with me…the story is that good and would make a great movie! I look forward to a sequel. Story aside, Ms. Smith has an energy all her own. If you get the chance to attend one of her talks or meet her in person, do so. She is poised, articulate, and funny exuding a true passion for her work that captivates her audience."
Ellen Morais, Rhode Island
“The Providence Public Library has hosted many authors over the past few years and I can only think of a few whose audiences matched or exceeded the crowd that you were able to bring to the library on Sunday. It was a pleasure working with you - good luck with your book!”
Louise Moulton, Adult Program Coordinator
Providence Public Library
"I never thought that when I started reading The 13th Apostle, I'd be taken on such a magnificent ride! In a Dan Brown-esque story of religion and intrigue, Raina paints an incredible "What if?" scenario. I cannot wait for the sequel!! I highly recommend this book - the twists and turns will keep you engaged - it's a true page turner."
Cheryl M. / Atlanta, Georgia
"WOW, definitely TWO THUMBS UP!!! A well written novel, pleasing to the eyes and easy to read. This is a must read with surprising twists and turns to it. It is haunting and touches the true nature of humanity, and the characters are well played out. Would love to see this novel made into a movie!!"
Cheri Suntree / San Diego, California
“Smith’s book delves into the true nature of the human spirit and makes you ask where you yourself fall on that fine line of good and evil. With its captivating characters and riveting storyline she had me intrigued and guessing from start to finish. A book I kept wishing didn’t have to end.”
Kevin A. Moore / Seattle, Washington
“Raina Smith masterfully tells an engaging tale of Good vs. Evil with numerous twists and surprises that left me wanting more. Once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. It left me speechless when I was done. Usually, something with this much religious content scares me, but Smith made it interesting and suspenseful. I tend to visualize what I read and Smith’s unique writing style made it easy. I basically saw the movie unfold before my eyes as I read along. And I loved the amazingly evil ending too! A must read. I am looking forward to her next installment!”
Rob Sgambellone / Coconut Creek, Florida
"You need to read The 13th Apostle by, Raina C. Smith. This amazing book reminded me of reading the DaVinci Code with the religious themes and action-packed storyline. The characters in this book were very dynamic and interesting. You actually cared what happened to them and began to think about these characters as real people. There were so many twists and turns throughout this novel. The ending is absolutely unbelievable! A must read! I would love to see this book made into a movie! I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fast-paced and exciting reads. Smith is also working on the sequel and final installment of this trilogy series! I can't wait!"
Kristin Fenix Wheeler / Mama Luvs Books (Blogger)
“The 13th Apostle, is an incredibly intense and fast-paced work that kept me flipping from one chapter to the next. It is flawlessly written with a great plot and lots of action and intrigue, but it’s the wonderful characters, sharp, realistic dialogue, and occasional comic episodes, that make reading it such a completely enjoyable experience. Do not start this novel on a night that you must turn in early, because you will not be able to put it down. Raina Smith has woven a tale that held my attention from start to brilliant finish. I can only hope that there will be more to come from her. She is a master storyteller. Bravo!”
Ken Iavarone / Lincoln, RI
"The book had a blockbuster ending! As an avid reader, former English Major, and Attorney, I recognize fine high quality writing when I see it. The 13th Apostle was extremely thought provoking, profoundly soul piercing, creatively unique, and intellectually stimulating with very sophisticated elements of style! I am anxiously awaiting a sequel and maybe a screen play."
David C. Moretti / Naples, Florida
"The 13th Apostle by Raina C. Smith is a brilliantly conceived novel. Smith reveals the characters in such a way as to keep you riveted to your seat. This is a fast paced story based on the struggle of good verses evil and the corruption and secrecy that lies in the very walls of the Vatican. A chosen one has to fight for the soul of all mankind. An ancient scroll must be deciphered to help this quest. Raina C. Smith captures her readers to follow the clues and characters. Your heart will race with anticipation over who or what will win this epic battle and if humanity will survive. The ending is a spectacular literary act leaving the readers breathless and yearning for a sequel. Extremely well executed - a must read."
Kathryn Adams / Scituate, RI
“An amazing, thought provoking book written by this beautifully talented author. Fiction so close to the truth of what is going on in the world today it is scary! Her very descriptive details come alive on every page from Tibet to Rome to Providence R.I. making you feel as if you are right there traveling this journey in the battle between good and evil. So intense at times you have to put it down and just let it all sink in. Sure to be on the best seller list for years and provides the makings for an epic movie as well. A book you will read over and over again for sure. Don't miss this one. Can't wait for the sequel! A REAL CLIFF HANGER... Who will win the final battle ??? The evil, yet provocative Falene OR the good yet humbled Father Joe?? God vs. the Devil. Will the human race survive?? Read it and you decide.”
Gail Simon / Providence, RI
"The 13th Apostle by Author, Raina Smith, is a great read. Ms Smith has a wonderful style for storytelling and detail, which helps you understand the characters in the book, as well as transforms the reader to the places and events in the story. You either love or hate the characters involved, each chapter leaving the reader wanting more. This story, ranges from heart-warming to wicked, which makes the reader think about good and evil and the world around us, and the choices we make. I look forward to the sequel, and can clearly see this book becoming a great movie. Her energy and passion of writing clearly shows in this writing work of art."
Maria Piccirillo / Rhode Island
"My favorite read is always Good vs. Evil, and The 13th Apostle fulfilled all my requirements. Falene is charismatic and determined in her mission for the dark side. While Father Joseph shows us how to overcome adversity and what can be accomplished through the power of faith. The ending was a great surprise and I'm eager for the sequel. I am also a tried and true Rhode Islander and Raina is from RI and she set some of the story here in this wonderful little state."
J. Vaudreuil / Rhode Island
"I enjoyed the book very much. I was hesitant at first because I didn't know what to expect, but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down. As I was reading, I was anxious because I wanted to know what happened next. I thoroughly enjoyed all the scenes that took place in Rhode Island as well as in Rome and other places throughout the world. I plan to read it again very soon and I can't wait for the next book!"
Catherine Kitty (Santo) Petrarca / Cranston, RI
“Woke up early on a Sunday morning because I HAD to finish reading The 13th Apostle. When is the sequel coming out because I wanted to keep reading?! Especially after that cliffhanger! Congratulations to you Raina on this wonderful piece of work. You should be very proud of yourself. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, you had me guessing on every page and I couldn't put the book down.”
Lisa / Swansea, Massachusetts
“Raina Smith is a terrific writer and this book will keep you guessing what will happen next. A well researched page turner whose characters will reach out and bring you into their lives to share their adventures. A must read for anyone who enjoys mystery, intrigue and just good old fashioned story telling.”
Glenn Laxton / Author and TV Reporter
“I enjoyed reading The 13th Apostle by Raina Smith, even though it is not the type of book I usually read. The writing is intense, the events exceedingly dramatic, and the theme that innocence is no protection against satanic evil is one that many readers of this type of thriller will recognize. This novel should make an exciting movie one day!"
Debbie Barchi / Director, Barrington Public Library (Rhode Island)
“I was very impressed with author, Raina C. Smith’s literary skills. The characters became very real to me and as the story unfolded, it became obvious that much of the plot required extensive research. The author delves into the behavior of each character to a point where I felt I knew them well and found myself trying to predict their next move. It certainly is a page-turner (a click of a button on my kindle) and it was difficult to pull myself away. Who will win the battle between good and evil? That is basically the theme of this book with much intrigue, mystery, love, hate and more included. I was anxious to get to the ending which was very intense and it lead me to believe there must be another book to follow. Kudos to Ms. Smith. The book is a winner!”
Angie Petrarca / Warwick, RI
“This book takes on the age old struggle between good and evil and kicks it up ten notches. Imaginative, creative, sensitive and thrilling all wrapped up into one awesome book! Just when you think you have it all figured don't!!! BUY IT, READ IT, ENJOY will leave you wanting MORE!”
Lynn Virgilio-Caron / Rhode Island
“Raina Smith did an outstanding job writing this novel. All the characters were intriguing. It kept me interested and constantly guessing what would occur next. I am anxiously awaiting a sequel to The 13th Apostle.”
Lori Claudino / Seekonk, Massachusetts
"Raina Smith has written an incredibly intense book. It kept my interest throughout the entire book with all the different characters, twists and turns. It was difficult to put the book down. I am defintely looking forward to her next book, which I am sure will be equally as thrilling."
Maureen Hennessey / Massachusetts
"I am an avid book reader, and this book is a MUST READ! The plots are great! I love the mystery and suspense and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I found myself staying up later and later to finish the book, to find out what was going to happen next! I can't wait for the sequel. Great reading, suspense, thrills, and mystery is all in this book. Can't wait for the sequel and third book! I am also from RI as is the writer, and I think this is a wonderful book. I hope to run into Raina. RI is such a small state that I hope I will run into her somewhere! Autograph!"
Cheryl Adams / Rhode Island
“Raina Smith is an original storyteller who is blessed with a talent for characterization. This novel clearly defines humans as being both good and evil. Hopefully the sequel will not be far behind!”
Stephanie Colasanto / Cranston, RI