My beta readers have now all finished The Vampire sequel and gave me feedback, and their observations were everything I had hoped for. They each said they read the novel quickly since they were so gripped by Rex's story, loved the new book, and felt the story continuity, character development, pacing, and emotional resonance were as compelling, mysterious, suspenseful, and thrilling as the first installment. And, yes, Rex and Renée's epic love story continues -- something readers have been asking me about and hoping for since I published The Vampire.
Quote from one beta reader: "This was such a work of art. Thank you for allowing me to be one of the first readers of your masterpiece. I enjoyed every second of it. It felt like I was meeting up with old friends again and hearing what was going on in their lives. I loved going on this journey with them. Great work, Raina! Congratulations!" My graphic designer has been collaborating with me and is hard at work on the book cover design. From what we have created together, I can tell you that it is just as striking and symbolic as the first book, which was my aim. I anticipate getting this new book (30 chapters/415 pages) out to readers by February 2025.
Having finally finished the manuscript after writing non-stop for a year, it's now being edited, and one by one, my beta readers are finishing up the book and giving me feedback, which is an exhilarating part of my process. They are fans of the first installment in this series, so it's apropos they are the first to read the sequel, as their unique perspective and feedback are crucial. A beta reader allows me to ask them about every scene, character, and story flow and how they felt about everything they've read while it's still so fresh in their minds, so I can be sure I accomplished what I intended to with the continuation of Rex's story.
Now, on to book cover design and the final push to get this out to readers. For the last three weeks, I've been editing the sequel to The Vampire. Editing is daunting because it requires uninterrupted concentration for hours and hours each day for weeks or months. However, as we all know, this work is crucial to the final work, as it's the author's opportunity (before handing it to an editor) to ensure everything in the story is as intended.
Some of the questions that haunt every author while writing a sequel to one of their favorite books: - Is each scene descriptive enough - placing the reader inside the scene(s) to see, hear, and smell everything going on? - Does the story flow well? - Is this second volume the perfect continuation of the first book? - Did I leave anything unresolved from the initial novel? - Does the sequel live up to what readers will expect? This is a 30-chapter novel, and as of this weekend, I've completed editing 16 chapters, so I'm well on my way to (hopefully) finalizing the initial editing process. Then on to next phases of the multi-step process that will get this book into the hands of readers. Expected publish date -- early 2025. Today, I'm thrilled to share that my sixth novel, the sequel to The Vampire, is complete. As any author would tell you, no other feeling compares to the moment you realize you've just finished writing the novel you've been dedicated to slaving over in your free time for a year.
This sequel dives deeper into Rex's journey as a vampire living in secrecy in Newport, Rhode Island, pulling you further into his complex world of dark alliances, dangerous secrets, his quest for redemption, and his love for a mortal woman. Writing the continuation to Rex's story has been intense and I cannot wait for you to see the some of the new characters and mysteries that lie ahead for Rex, Renée, Piedmont, Hank, Valder, and others. Visit my website and social media for release date (early 2025) and more. 📖 🖤 #RainaCSmith #TheVampire #NewRelease This week, I spent all my free time writing the sequel to The Vampire. With only three partially written chapters remaining, I am nearing completion. With 130,000+ words on 345 pages (so far), I hope to finish by the end of the year and then move on to the editing process. This book remains faithful to the captivating storytelling of the original work and brings the story to conclusion in a meaningful and profound way that will not let readers down. Could there be a third installment to this supernatural series? I haven't decided yet, but let's just say... I left myself an opportunity to meet back up with Rex, Piedmont, Hank, Renée, and a new witch character everyone will love, to ask if they'd like to join me on a new literary adventure. We'll see what they have to say in the future.
The writing and research hours are long and tiring, but the reward of using my imagination to continue telling Rex's story about the complexities of living among mortals as a vampire is well worth it. As any author will tell you, reaching page numbers, word counts, or chapter milestones is a reminder of how far the story has evolved. When you're at the 300-page mark, as I now am with this book, I can see that I only have about another 50 or so pages to go before I can begin the editing process.
I've been writing the sequel to The Vampire for about a year now, and the story continues to reveal itself to me through some wildly diverse characters and plot-twisting scenes. Some of which I never foresaw until I delved into the scenes, along with the characters, to see and hear what they were doing and saying to one another. Until its completion and publish date in 2025, I'll continue developing this intriguing story that I know readers who loved The Vampire will find as exceptional as the first book. The writing of the sequel to The Vampire is progressing well. Characters and scenes thankfully continue to reveal themselves to me so that I can see, hear, and feel them and then incorporate each aspect of their personalities, as well as unique elements, into the story. Reaching the 250-page mark is a hard-earned milestone for any author, especially in under a year. Guessing... I have about 100-150 pages left to write before wrapping up this truly magnificent sequel that I can't wait to share with readers.
I am beyond proud and delighted to share that I've written over 200 pages in the sequel to The Vampire. It's been a joy to continue telling this story, revisiting some of my favorite characters from The Vampire, including (of course) Rex the vampire, Piedmont the butler, Hank and Chester, Rex's pet companions, Renée, and others. There are also some exciting new characters that will have readers either nervous, frightened or laughing, but thoroughly entertained. Thankfully, the story is pouring out, as long as I provide the time. Being part of Rex's world brings me a great deal of joy, as it does for my readers. I'd say I'm halfway through this book, and expect a release date somewhere in early to mid 2025.
Working tirelessly in my spare time, I'm delighted to share that I've made notable progress on the sequel to The Vampire. To date, I've written 152 pages of extraordinary storyline that will pull readers back into Rex's dramatic world where he discovers even more about the complexities of his vampiric nature. While readers will find many of the same characters as in the original work, they will also be introduced to new ones that take Rex's life in a whole new unforseeable direction. Stumbling across a witch seeking refuge from the harshness of modern society, the vampire learns quickly that there are others in this world who possess an even greater understanding of the universe than he. But, he must decide whether or not to trust this practitioner of witchcraft with supernatural powers, before asking her to teach him what she knows.
This sequel is the perfect continuation to Rex's story as he navigates his difficult existence in a primarily mortal world, which he has found is just as evil as the vampire world he left behind so long ago. All, while trying to protect those he holds dearest. There is a lot more to write before this story is finished. So far, every word, sentence, and scene has found its way to me through inspiration, as it has for every book I have written, so I will continue to see, listen, and feel, until I finish. I promise, it will be well worth the wait! Today, I hit the 100-page mark writing the sequel to The Vampire. Hitting page milestones is uplifting because seeing measurable results in the way of page numbers, chapters, and scenes motivates me to want to create more and finish the compelling continuation of the story in The Vampire to share with readers. The book is coming together nicely and basically writes itself. All I have to do is listen to and feel the inspiration I receive from everywhere including the research I conduct, conversations I have with friends or new acquaintances, viewing architecture or artwork, or listening to classical music, and then find ways to work that inspiration into the story in meaningful ways. I still have several hundred pages to go, but hitting today's writing milestone offers a great feeling of accomplishment.